Crocs For Kids

Coca-Cola Credit Union Employee
Donates Shoes to CHOA Campers

Glennisia Isaac, Executive Assistant at Coca-Cola Credit Union, was inspired to launch her "Crocs for Kids" initiative after her daughter decorated a special pair of Crocs at Camp Crescent Moon, a children's camp for kids with sickle cell disease.

The goal: to give other kids a pair of slip-ons they could customize and use during camp activities or hospital visits. Recently, Glennisia donated 200+ pairs of Crocs to (2) CHOA children’s camps, which are 100% donor-funded. Read on to learn more about Glennisia’s inspiring story…

Q&A with Glennisia

What was your motivation for spearheading this initiative to provide Crocs for Children’s campers?  

Wow, where do I begin! When my daughter was in admittance at Children’s for various stays, the hospital provided “sticky socks” for her to wear. Because she was continuously in and out of MRI’s, CT scans, surgeries, etc…her sticky socks got dirty quickly - so she began to wear a pair of crocs as she traveled across the hospital for procedures. Even though she still wore her sticky socks for warmth, her crocs provided her with more physical comfort, sanitation, and also allowed her a sense of normalcy and personal expression during a challenging time. Her first pair of crocs were tie-dyed with Sponge Bobs jibbitz that she placed all over them - she actually still wears them today! 

I know how hard it is for parents when their children are sick. Often, when a child emergency happens, a multi-purpose shoe may be the last thing a parent is thinking of. But after my daughters extended stay at Children’s, and seeing how beneficial her own pair of crocs were – I realized the potential impact on other children facing similar circumstances.

This sparked the concept of "Crocs for Kids" – an initiative dedicated to extending the comfort, safety, and joy that my daughter experienced, to all children hospitalized for extended stays. It's not just about the footwear; it's about giving these brave kids a slice of normalcy and personal choice in an environment where so much is out of their control. For this initiative, I originally wanted to send the crocs directly to the hospitals for in-patient stays, however, storage for the crocs would be a continuous issue. Caroline Upchurch saw the massive potential in this new project and began to help make a way for this to go from concept to completion, and with the help of some amazing camp directors, we came up with a wonderful plan to bring crocs to the summer campers! The initiative is close to my heart, and I'm dedicated to seeing it bring smiles to as many children’s faces as possible.

What does Children’s and summertime mean to you and your family? 

Children's, and their summer camp programs, hold an incredibly special place in my heart. My daughter's journey with CHOA began when she was diagnosed with Sickle Cell Anemia. At the age of 10 (she’s 23 now!) she started attending Camp Crescent Moon, an experience that has profoundly impacted both her life and mine. This camp offers a sanctuary where children, like my daughter, can step beyond their illness's shadow to just be kids. The opportunity for her to engage with others who understand the nuances of living with illness, without having to explain or justify her condition, was invaluable. It provided a sense of normalcy, community, and fun in a sea of medical appointments and treatments. Seeing firsthand the difference CHOA and Camp Crescent Moon can make in a child's life, my appreciation is boundless.

What camps is this donation supporting?  

In 2024, we are supporting 2 camps - Camp Independence and Camp Crescent Moon.

Do you have a special connection to these camps?

Yes, I do. My daughter is living with Sickle Cell, and she had a liver transplant at Children’s in September 2021.  She lovingly refers to her new organ as “Jeremiah”. 

Is this a project you plan to do again next summer? 

Absolutely! We’re also working on adding more camps each year until we reach the end goal of donating crocs for all Children’s summer camps.

How many pairs of Crocs will be donated total? 

We are donating 200 crocs. However, if more donations come in after we hit our goal, we will donate them as well.